Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pick a hand

"Pick a hand...any hand" Not so easy when you think about it. You see on one hand you have this new found freedom. Your own place your own routine. You have learned to do things on your own and not rely on anyone for the emotional stuff like you did so many times before.

Yet on the other hand you have this person back in your life, who is great, and was the person who encouraged you to be on your own in the first place. Now he wants back in, now he has seen what he had, but now is it too late? I mean you kind of moved on. Not to another person by any means but emotionally you already told yourself that it was over. You try to open yourself up again but you did that once before and got burned. He is great and he does want to be with you. But this new found independence is good too.

So what hand do you pick? Some one make the choice for me!

1 comment:

Yoli said...

How fun! A new blog to read.
So,back to seriousness for a minute. If you are asking the internet, which includes me...I say PASS. Easier said than done though, I know.

The major problem that caused all this is still lingering, and he still hasn't addressed *them* seriously enough? They will be a thorn in your side.

In my humble opnion...:)
Looking foward to more posts.