Now I must admit this year did not start off that great. As a matter of fact I started the new year with a looming black cloud over my head. You see I opened my big mouth and said something that pretty much divided all of my friends for new years on. I dont regret that I said it but I do regret the timing. And then well, you all know I ended a relationship that was going great until once again I opened my big mouth, and once again I dont regret what I said but I do regret the timing. I then began to look at myself in a new light and thought to myself, wow I am fat. So i decided to change that part of my life that I knew I could change. I went from 150+ lbs to about 133 lbs, it was less but man the holiday food is so tempting. Well after I began to see the weight results I think I became more confident. Not that that is bad but I think I got a bit caulking about it and once again opened my big mouth to my roomate. That I dont regret at all. It needed to be said and I needed to move out.
So now that the year is almost up well... I am so happy in my new place. I still have friends, even though we cant all hang out like old times everyone understands why I said what I said and it is forgiven. As so the boy situation. Well we are going to start this new year off the way we should have last year... together. Other then that I cant say what this year holds for me but I trust that God never gives me more then I cant handle. Have a good year yo. Peace out!!!
1 comment:
Knee, just keep wanting to tell you how awesome you look, now reading how much weight you actually lost... WOW I'm so proud of you. You know how to take control of your life versus it controlling you. Well just to let you know it's a life long process. I like to think of life as a journey and you sure are taking highs and lows right, with God as your driver. It is great to see you happy and bright. I hope you liked my gift. Don't know what your color scheme is so I decided to get one of each and hope it matches. You can ask any of your tias, I usually don't match stuff anyways, I like ecclectic. I can't wait to see what you got Grandma? Unfortunately, Christmas is kind of crazy every year for us cuz we go between two big families we love so much. This year all of Gil's bros and sistas were here, all 13 of them with their spouses and kids - about 56 people all together. Whew!! Make 2009 SHINE!! LTM
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