Friday, December 26, 2008

"Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra....Ra Ra Ra Ra" - A Christmas Story

What a great Christmas. I was able to hang out with family and watch some old funny home movies. Complements of Channel 7 news, AKA Grandpa. LOL It was funny looking back on those odd years, oh wait I think I am still in those odd years. Well it was great. So much fun. Grandma loved my gift. Thanks to everyone who helped me make it. I know I was a pain to most of you to get me a good picture but It was worth me nagging to see the look on her face. Now on to thinking about what to do for new years oh and then more importantly my Birthday!!! Any ideas anyone.

P.S. I am writing this blog on my new macbook!!!! The best gift that I totally do not deserve. But who would say no. Thanks :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Where has the year gone?

Wow the year is almost up and it feels like it went by way too fast. I have had so many things happen to me in just this year then in my whole 25 years here. I have done a lot of growing up, I think, and I have learned to let go of the small stuff that I use to stress about. I am sure others will disagree and say that I am still to hard headed or that I worry way too much but I think I have changed. I am thankful for the people that I have in my life and excited to see what is going to come in this year.
Now I must admit this year did not start off that great. As a matter of fact I started the new year with a looming black cloud over my head. You see I opened my big mouth and said something that pretty much divided all of my friends for new years on. I dont regret that I said it but I do regret the timing. And then well, you all know I ended a relationship that was going great until once again I opened my big mouth, and once again I dont regret what I said but I do regret the timing. I then began to look at myself in a new light and thought to myself, wow I am fat. So i decided to change that part of my life that I knew I could change. I went from 150+ lbs to about 133 lbs, it was less but man the holiday food is so tempting. Well after I began to see the weight results I think I became more confident. Not that that is bad but I think I got a bit caulking about it and once again opened my big mouth to my roomate. That I dont regret at all. It needed to be said and I needed to move out. 
So now that the year is almost up well... I am so happy in my new place. I still have friends, even though we cant all hang out like old times everyone understands why I said what I said and it is forgiven. As so the boy situation. Well we are going to start this new year off the way we should have last year... together. Other then that I cant say what this year holds for me but I trust that God never gives me more then I cant handle.  Have a good year yo. Peace out!!! 

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's madness I tell you!!!

So I have not written in a while because I have been so busy with school. I have finals coming up and presentations due. I was able to knock out a 5 page paper in 1 day and thank God I got a B on it. So I have lots of pictures to post and lots to talk about but I have to get threw these last few weeks of school. Wish me luck!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

"It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas"

This weekend I went to Target and there it was...the Christmas section. At first I got a bit excited. You know thinking about my own place and decorating my own tree. It really is good but then I thought "wow my family just grew by two more, just in these last months" and then I freaked. Lots of gifts and lots of money.
But then I got excited again when I walked over to the baby section to buy little Jacob diapers, and I thought "oh they have so many cute baby clothes."

My conclusion was that this is going to be a good Christmas. New editions to the family and new ones on the way. Oh and my favorite part....the food....oh the food.

I know so many emotions just in Tagret. LOL!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gray Skies Are Going To Clear UP

I feel much like my old self today. Dont know if it is because I read Alex's blog that made me laught, "Today I blow dryed my hair and went pee at the same time. Not sure if that is completely safe but it was a timesaver." Or if it was the sunshine outside. Either way I feel like Knee. Hope my happiness rubs off on others!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Literally Fell For Him (Really, Down the stairs on our first date)

I really dont know if I made a mistake. The more I think about this the more I question everything. I know I should focus on school and work but the times when I am sitting in this place alone my mind wonders. I am sorry to be a downer guys know this is not me but really this is harder then I thought it would be.
I am just so mad...why can't things just work out they way you want. I mean I had a horrible horrible realtionship in high school and I was able to come out of that stronger yet here I am needing to be strong to face *them* and I can't. Am I not as strong as I thought I was? Or is it just too hard for one person to handle? Ahhh...I just have to pick myself up and hope that it will all work out some way.

Monday, November 3, 2008

"I know it gets better" -Jason Mraz

Sunday started off as a good day. I had a great pancake breakfast with him and we did some shopping at Target where I got this wine shelf that I have been eyeing for a while. It finally went on sale at a price I could afford. (Was $150, Now $38) After that we went to a Great concert by my main man, Jason Mraz. It was so much fun. Good music, good seats, and good friends. It was after that great day that we had to end it, end us.

I said good bye to my best friend. It is so hard but I figure that God only gives me what he thinks I can handle so I leave it all up to Him now. I hope things work out for the best. Too many thoughts in my head to write it all out. I will miss that great guy who knew me better then anyone. I will miss my dog, My binny binn. I thank him for all that he has shown me and all the self confidence that he is givin me. I wish him all the best and I will always have a place in my heart for Raj.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pick a hand

"Pick a hand...any hand" Not so easy when you think about it. You see on one hand you have this new found freedom. Your own place your own routine. You have learned to do things on your own and not rely on anyone for the emotional stuff like you did so many times before.

Yet on the other hand you have this person back in your life, who is great, and was the person who encouraged you to be on your own in the first place. Now he wants back in, now he has seen what he had, but now is it too late? I mean you kind of moved on. Not to another person by any means but emotionally you already told yourself that it was over. You try to open yourself up again but you did that once before and got burned. He is great and he does want to be with you. But this new found independence is good too.

So what hand do you pick? Some one make the choice for me!

First Time

Ok so this is my first time blogging. I dont have much to say yet...I am just testing this out :P