Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good Times

Drama Free for sure. So I have been hanging out with my friend from high school. We always kept contact but since I had school and work we did not get to hang out a lot. But now that school is out we have been talking more. She is kind of going threw so stuff so i want her to know that even though I live an hour away I will always be there for her. 
So last weekend i went over to see her new place. Ended up staying for a drink and then going out with other peeps from high school. I had a great time. We were the only two girls in the group but it was great knowing that our guys would bail us out when the weirdos tried something and that we could all just dance and have a good time with no ties. They were like little brothers to me when i was in high school and middle school. (now they are all bigger them me) But it was fun to just go out in my flip flops and jeans. Dance my butt off and not have to worry that everyone is a couple. It was just fun. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Any Given Thursday.

I just saw Raj for the first time in like over a month. We have had little if not any communication in that time period. I was not nervous but I felt a bit like, "wow, here he is" It is never weird seeing him because he was my best friend. 
Well I saw him because I had asked if he could please let me have all the family pictures that he had on his computer, I mean that was 4 years worth of family moments. So like the great guy that he is, he put them all on CDs and gave every picture to me. I mean pictures from our first dates. The ones that we always called the "Where it all began" pictures. I put them all on my computer and I was able to sit here and think back to all the good times we have had. 
We really did have a great relationship. He really was a great guy. The last CD that I opened was a John Mayer DVD, "Any Given Thursday". For those of you who don't know, I am a huge John Mayer fan. (He is jerk in person, so I have heard, but I love his music) So the DVD was like icing on the cake I guess. Just shows me that he really knows me better then anyone. We had a great run, he was a great friend and an even better boyfriend. He will always have a place in my heart. Nerdy I know but it is true :o)

Friday, April 10, 2009

You Suck!!!

I just came back from a "friends" house for dinner. All was going well until we got into a discussion about relationships. It was then that I was reminded that "[I] cant say anything about this (relationships) because I cant keep one." 
Well f*ck you!!! Just because I dont have a BF I cant have an opinion on how I would want things to work!?! Well tell you what "Friends" have a good life marrying a man that you have known for half a second. So to you people who only associate themselves with couples, Kiss my *ss!
I will be in a happy marriage one day and I will out last all of you!!!!

Sorry so mad but I was hurt and it was like salt on an open wound. It hurt. It really did.  

Monday, April 6, 2009

"All Club" access my *ss!!!

Ok so I have been going to the gym this past year. Trying to go at least 3 times a week but moving has gotten in the way. So anyways since I moved my membership expired from 24 hour fitness. So this Sunday I took a run/walk around my new place and then walked to Costco. I bought a new membership. I bought a 2 year all club membership. Well the "all club" does not include the gym that is right by my house. It is a "Super Club" and I cant upgrade. So now I have to drive to a gym that takes like 20 minutes to get to because the one down the street from me is to Hoattie Toattie.  Jerks. Just a rant about how they suck. Forget it... I am getting Lipo. Just Kidding.