Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am so sad...My puppy is sick. I guess she is not a puppy since she will be 6 in May but still my little pup is sick. She got into the trash on Friday. She ate old sour cream. Super eww..I hate sour cream but Raj likes it on his Mexican food. Well she ate it and began to have diarrhea. I mean going out every hour on the hour, even in the middle of the night. Then on Monday and Tuesday night she threw up in the middle of the night and in the morning. I called the doctor and Raj took her in this morning. Turns out she has an infection and her pancreas is swollen. She has to be on fluids and meds via injections because she can not have anything orally. She has to be in the hospital for the night, I hope she will come home tomorrow for 2 reasons. One I miss her and I know she is afraid and 2 because it is expensive when your dog gets sick.

She has a 'wellness' plan which covers all her shots, teeth cleaning and any routine test but it does not cover "ER" visits. The diagnosis was covered but the blood test, fluids, injections and overnight stay is not covered. It is kind of hard because Raj and I really have no choice, I mean it is like either pay the money or your dog will stay sick and die. So that sucks but I am glad that she is getting better. I will keep you guys posted on my pup.

I know weird that I get all sad about my dog but hey I don't have kids and she is my baby.

1 comment:

Yoli said...

Aww. Get better cinn I hope she is doing better!